比较水1 const max=1000000007; 2 type node=record 3 from,flow,cost,point,next:longint; 4 end; 5 6 var edge:array[0..100010] of node; 7 w:array[0..30010] of longint; 8 d,p,pre,cur,h,numh:array[0..10010] of longint; 9 q:array[0..2000010] of longint; 10 v:array[0..2010] of boolean; 11 j,x,y,f,t,ans1,ans2,len,n,m,k,i:longint; 12 13 function min(a,b:longint):longint; 14 begin 15 if a>b then exit(b) else exit(a); 16 end; 17 18 procedure add(x,y,f,w:longint); 19 begin 20 inc(len); 21 edge[len].from:=x; 22 edge[len].point:=y; 23 edge[len].next:=p[x]; 24 edge[len].flow:=f; 25 edge[len].cost:=w; 26 p[x]:=len; 27 end; 28 29 function sap:longint; 30 var tmp,x,q,u,i,j,f,neck:longint; 31 begin 32 sap:=0; 33 fillchar(numh,sizeof(numh),0); 34 fillchar(h,sizeof(h),0); 35 numh[0]:=n; 36 u:=1; 37 while h[0]n do 46 begin 47 if edge[j].flow n do 58 begin 59 dec(edge[j].flow,f); 60 inc(edge[j xor 1].flow,f); 61 i:=edge[j].point; 62 j:=cur[i]; 63 end; 64 u:=neck; 65 sap:=sap+f; 66 end; 67 q:=-1; 68 i:=p[u]; 69 while i<>-1 do 70 begin 71 x:=edge[i].point; 72 if (edge[i].flow>0) and (h[u]=h[x]+1) then 73 begin 74 q:=i; 75 break; 76 end; 77 i:=edge[i].next; 78 end; 79 if q<>-1 then 80 begin 81 cur[u]:=i; 82 x:=edge[i].point; 83 pre[x]:=u; 84 u:=x; 85 end 86 else begin 87 dec(numh[h[u]]); 88 if numh[h[u]]=0 then break; 89 tmp:=n; 90 i:=p[u]; 91 while i<>-1 do 92 begin 93 x:=edge[i].point; 94 if edge[i].flow>0 then tmp:=min(tmp,h[x]); 95 i:=edge[i].next; 96 end; 97 h[u]:=tmp+1; 98 inc(numh[h[u]]); 99 if u<>1 then u:=pre[u];100 end;101 end;102 end;103 104 function spfa:boolean;105 var f,r,i,x,y:longint;106 begin107 for i:=1 to n do108 d[i]:=max;109 d[0]:=0;110 fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false);111 fillchar(pre,sizeof(pre),255);112 v[0]:=true;113 f:=1;114 r:=1;115 q[1]:=0;116 while f<=r do117 begin118 x:=q[f];119 v[x]:=false;120 i:=p[x];121 while i<>-1 do122 begin123 y:=edge[i].point;124 if edge[i].flow>0 then125 if d[x]+edge[i].cost =max then exit(false) else exit(true);141 end;142 143 procedure mincost;144 var x,y,i,j,neck:longint;145 begin146 while spfa do147 begin148 i:=n;149 neck:=max;150 while i<>0 do151 begin152 j:=pre[i];153 neck:=min(neck,edge[j].flow);154 i:=edge[j].from;155 end;156 i:=n;157 while i<>0 do158 begin159 j:=pre[i];160 dec(edge[j].flow,neck);161 inc(edge[j xor 1].flow,neck);162 i:=edge[j].from;163 end;164 ans2:=ans2+d[n]*neck;165 end;166 end;167 168 begin169 readln(n,m,k);170 len:=-1;171 fillchar(p,sizeof(p),255);172 for i:=1 to m do173 begin174 readln(x,y,f,w[i]);175 add(x,y,f,0);176 add(y,x,0,0);177 end;178 ans1:=sap;179 t:=len;180 i:=0;181 while i<=t do182 begin183 x:=edge[i].from;184 y:=edge[i].point;185 f:=w[i div 2+1];186 add(x,y,max,f);187 add(y,x,0,-f);188 i:=i+2;189 end;190 add(0,1,k,0);191 add(1,0,0,0);192 mincost;193 writeln(ans1,' ',ans2);194 end.195 196